Thank you for being part of my journey.

It’s my great pleasure to know you or be connected to you in some way. I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to help me with this book.

Step 1:
Get out that wallet bb

Step 2:
Write Reviews

You do not need to purchase the book from these websites to write reviews. You may need to make an account or sign in. Please leave a thoughtful, honest, five-star review that creates a sense of urgency and strong desire to swipe their credit card.

Step 3:
Follow and Share

Follow all Brook’s social media accounts and repost my content to your feed with a link to my website. I will be posting stories everyday that can be shared. If you want the file for a certain video so you can do a native upload, let me know.

See my press kit for branded content.

Step 4:
Use Your Voice

Visit local book stores and ask them to order the book. Tell everyone you know! Start conversations about how crazy this story is and why people should check it out.

“OMG do you have this absolutely INSANE book in stock? You should…”

You, at a bookstore:

“OMG SIS you have to check out this absolutely AMAZING book!”

You, with a friend: